with the clean lines of our mcm home we have let the landscape be wild. hardscape has straight edges but i am happy to let the plants take over. i love looking outside our large windows into the greenness. (we are more in line with the
eames school of landscape and decorating than a minimalist approach.)
our yard is a grouping of zones: "farm", office, pool, eating, sitting...
we have three raised beds off of our main patio. two we use for veggies (to augment what we receive via our
CSA) and the third for cut flowers. it is between seasons right now. i have started to clear a bit. and made room for three heirloom tomato plants. the arugula has bolted. but i love the fine flowers - and haven't had the heart to yank it yet.
d built these out of untreated redwood 2 x 6's stacked two high. two are 4 x 4 feet and the third started life as our sandbox and was tweaked to run 2 x 6 feet.
the fancy chicken wire fence. longterm temporary (a common phrase around here) while we design a new chicken run. we need it, to keep chooks - and the broccoli-loving dog - out. natch.